36 Fun Random Facts That’ll Surely Wow Any Room – Part 147



Studies have found that the more expensive a wedding is, the shorter it is likely to last.

2. Celine Dion wanted no part in singing the hit Titanic song "My Heart Will Go On" and only did so after her manager/husband convinced her that it would benefit her career. Her song went on to win the Grammy Award for Record of the Year.

3. In 1917, 1300 miners went on strike in Bisbee, Arizona over unsafe working conditions, low pay, and long hours. The mining company hired 2,000 men and loaded the strikers at gunpoint into cattle cars for a 16-hour trip through the desert without food or water and left them in New Mexico.

4. Sweden's early history is largely unknown because there are no written documents from Sweden before the 12th century. On its formation, a Swedish history book simply states: "How and when the Swedish kingdom appeared is not known."

5. During screenings of the 1959 film ‘The Tingler’, a film about a creature that gets inside a person’s spine, causing them to feel a tingling which can only be stopped by screaming, buzzers were placed in random seats that caused the audience to feel tingling during the film.

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6Amtrak's delays

Amtrak's delays

The majority of Amtrak's delays are due to freight railroads giving priority to their own trains over passenger trains. Even though this is explicitly against the law, only 1 violator has ever been charged by the Department of Justice in the entire 47-year history of Amtrak.

7. In 1990, a Floridian woman named Sheila Keen Warren opened her door to a clown and was shot. In 2014, a hair was found in the evidence. After a DNA test, the clown was found in Tennessee running a restaurant with the wife's husband. Apparently having an affair months before the murder, they were now married.

8. Mars (the owner of M&M’s) rejected a product placement deal in ‘E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial’, but Reese’s Pieces owned by Hershey’s took up on the offer and their sales shot up by 65% in the firstource & More two weeks after the movie hit the theaters.

9. The last person to be executed for blasphemy in Scotland was a 20-year-old man named Thomas Aikenhead who called theology "a rhapsody of ill-invented nonsense", and the Old Testaments "Ezra's fables", and that Christ "learned magic in Egypt, then performed pranks which were called miracles."

10. Because the character of Montgomery Scott in Star Trek inspired so many students to pursue careers in engineering, the Milwaukee School of Engineering presented James Doohan with an honorary degree in engineering.